Nirvana is the Limit of Self-reflection, pt 0: The Fool

There is life, and there is the Tarot. There is what we do, and there are the mirrors that echo. The more resonant you are, the more these echoes can permeate your life. But what is a sustained note? Not simply an echo, but coherence. Laser-fine, like the light that gives birth to living creatures, seas, days, and years. In the beginning there was a Fool. And this fool was convinced that the entirety of creation had an obvious order. Male, female. Dark, light. Stability, instability. Moreover, this fool was convinced that the qualia of this well-tempered, uniform chorus predicated themselves upon those categories. To the extent that these categories could be used like an index, informatively. Exempli gratia, this Fool supposed that femininity, embodiable only by feminine subject, could be objectively and a priori a property of the female gender. (Contradicting, it must be said, what miracles the soft science of depth psychology has managed to perform: that of identifying the anima-possessed male in society, as well as giving a more educated-sounding name to the animus-possessed female than people are accustomed to uttering.) Id est, the Fool would gawk at the discovery of the genetic code, were he able to believe that something other than a homunculus could program a human being.
